Being sick is a double edged sword.
On the one hand, you have a free day. How often do those really come in the middle of the school week? A little R&R, a little Discovery Channel, and no obligations or appointments you really have to worry about. It's beautiful, especially when you essentially sell most of your soul to music. College can be funny like that.
The downside though? You don't really get to enjoy it. It's kinda like being given the game guide to a video game, without the actual video game attached. Sure, it's nice to look at and appreciate that you have it, but it's a pale comparison to actually being able to fully enjoy it. You can't play a game guide (trust me I've tried).
And Dad, if you're out there reading this, I don't really harbor that much of a grudge over you just giving me the game guide to Spore and having to buy the game on my own. Really, it was a nice gift. It came in use...once I got the game.
But I digest.
Sick days are only fun as long as you're not sick. There's a certain balance to the whole thing. You want to be sick enough to be justified in not going to class, but you want to be well enough to enjoy it. Unfortunately you don't really get to control that balance, so it's really a viral crapshoot at best.
Coincidentally M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender was also a viral crapshoot. Except replace the word "viral" with "epic" and take the "shoot" off the end of "crapshoot." Same thing, though, really.
Anyways, so you're left in a congested limbo, somewhere between headache and harmony. You know you're skimping out on your responsibilities, but what're you gonna do? It's not like you asked to be sick. You're really going to go to class and snivel the entire time, trying to make out through the sinus tears what the difference between enharmonic chords is? No, not a good idea. Learning Arabic is already hard enough without the added phlegm. Or maybe that would help...
Speaking of Arabic, it's actually an interesting language. Much easier to learn than Mandarin Chinese. But then again trying to learn Mandarin Chinese is somewhat akin to learning to tie 3000 different kinds of sailor's knots with tentacles as your arms. Not the most convenient thing, really. Shame.
Arabic is surprisingly like Spanish. Only, not. It's quite fun and all cursive and stuff. It makes my hand writing look pretty.
Back on topic.
What really sucks about the whole "your head is full of cottage cheese" business is that nagging sense that maybe you're being a baby about the whole ordeal. You should wipe off that snot, soldier, college wasn't made for congested weaklings. You need to pull yourself together and get back to doing work which may or may not be productive to fulfilling an actual life you choose to live afterwards.
This may be why I'm on a computer typing this and not in class. It may also be why I have yet to declare a major. But that's a different sort of sickness.
So here I am in my suite room (and it is sweet), sitting on a computer typing how crappy I feel. I should get some food. Or some water. Water is good. It drowns out the sickness of some old wives. Maybe Mythbusters could test the potential drinking water has for drowning wives. Or maybe The Colony could have a marriage in a water tank and then all get sick by that virus and die? I'm not really sure what the point of those last few sentences were except to provide me with possible amusement later on.
I still hate not going to things. I hate letting people down I've made commitments with. But it's probably better in the long run to be extra safe with the rest now and not try and force out effort of a body that can barely think words, let alone breathe.
Such is life.
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I'm still looking for entries into the College Cookout competition I posted. If you can't find what I'm talking about, use that handy "scroll" thing most mouses come with and find it yourself. You're a smart person. You must be if you can understand the majority of my babble here. So happy hunting.
Breath or breathe?
ReplyDeleteBreathe or breath?
I'm so ridiculous about this. :)
Is this this person or is this that person?
ReplyDeleteIs this that person or is this this person?
I'm so ridiculous about knowing who you are. ;D
But seriously, if you could kindly just put your name (unless you really want to remain anonymous). My powers of mind reading are a little clogged up right now.