Monday, September 20, 2010

Fancy Late Night Eats

Ooh! Is it time for a blue-light special?

Yes it is, 343, yes it is.

College is a wonderful time to experiment. And no, I'm talking about food. College should be it's own cuisine category, in my opinion. It's flexible, improvisational, and very need based.

Take for instance the M&M smoothie. Something you could probably get at a DQ, but where's the fun in that when you can mix in milk and some actual vanilla? The freedom to create your own food is one which is a sacred rite of college.

Another staple of every good college cuisine artist is the nacho. Humble yet zesty, spicy yet convenient, it provides the opportunity for a bevy of large toppings. Feeling meaty? Throw on that strange meat your roommate brought back from that one place you don't actually know but smells pretty good.

Tabasco sauce is key. So is a lack of taste buds sometimes. But they grow back (so I'm told).

I've actually started to get comments about people reading this. The remarkable thing to me is that anyone would actually take time out of their day to sit down at a computer screen and attempt to decipher the jargon of mind strewn babble I've attempted to produce here mainly for my own selfish and egotistically self serving purposes.

Someone once told me that self-deprecating humor helps make people think you're both modest and likable. Is it working?

I think the fact that we even have enough time to sit around and do things like have classes about the different transitions of musical notation and theory through the late middle ages means we may be doing something wrong. Not saying I don't enjoy it, it just seems like we should be all focused on solving the world's issues or something, and I rather fail to see the correlation between triads and terra-forming, but then that could just be because I'm arrogant and trying to make a point here.

Note: people often tend to make assumptions and generalities when they're making a point, which tends to in fact undermine the entirety of what they are trying to do. Suck on that, Freud.

Now back to me, now back to you, now back to me, now back to my blog.

I honestly hope that things like Zombie Apocalypses will break out, or that suddenly the world becomes permanently Middle Earth. My life would have so much more awesome purpose if I was slaying dragons and running space blockades instead of just trying to finish up this last bit of Arabic homework. Call me unappreciative, but I love those sort of far flung fantasia. I think it's why I like movies and games so much. I enjoy getting caught up in a world that could be, instead of the one that is. But this one does offer some strange moments where you can hardly believe you're awake.

I really like riding my bike. I pretend I'm on some sort of steed or in a pod skirting across the lush landscape. Every time I pass the big fountain I get chills. I try and time my music so that I can have good musical moments when I pass specific places. It makes the mundane ways of getting around campus an epic level encounter.

I think that's really what a majority of life is all tightened up about. We're all trying to make this life bigger and more grand than it actually is. Some people have religion for that, others politics. And some have bikes, nachos and a blog that nobody in their wrong mind would not read. And yes, I did intentionally try to confuse you with double negatives. I think it's ironic.

Or something.

I have this thing that when people sit on my bed I get irritated. I've gotten better since college's start, but in the back of my crazy little attic of a mind it still blunders me. Can't really explain why. I guess I have personal space issues as well as impersonal.

I would just like to take this opportunity to assert that coconut M&M's are delicious. Seriously. I don't care if you and coconut are sworn blood enemies from opposite clans, you have to try them if you haven't. Unless you're allergic. Then stay away from this stuff, it'll mess you up good. And the worst thing is it will be delicious while doing so.

Let's have some audience involvement, shall we?

I'm gonna post my nacho recipe. Not my best recipe, but the one I like. And you all who read this far and are like "jeez those sound overtly delish my good sir" can go ahead and post in the comments section a tasty collegiate munch you enjoy. It can be anything from a recipe for omelettes with peppers and god juice in them to plain old ramen soup. I'm just interested if there are any other people out there that tend to like to experiment with their rations of cheap food produce as much as I do.

That, and I like seeing visual evidence that people actually read this. Again, that whole attention thing.

As an added bonus, the best recipe posted will be cooked by your's truly and reviewed in glorious fashion. I may or may not also throw in a hug, distance depending. The best recipe will probably be featured in either two or three blogs from now, depending how busy I am. But just think of the prizes and possible hug? You should definitely do it. You'll get some sort of additional prize too, people, but really, isn't glory enough?

A final shout out before I leave off with my recipe: Peter, if you're reading this, you're a wonderful singer and I desperately want you to pretend to be a dog in front of me again. Enjoy your chicken in Kentucky, or wherever it is you're doing children's theater in.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now, the recipe.

1 bag Doritos Spicy Nacho Cheese chips
1 bag of bagged cheese (like that shredded stuff you tend to put on tacos)
1 bottle of Tabasco sauce

These are the bare essential ingredients. In those times when I'm feeling creatively juicy and, more necessary really, happen to have other things to put on, I like using ground beef. But let's keep it simple shall we?

Spread out chips over a clean plate (yes, clean is necessary you heathen). Deposit you shredded cheese on top of the layer of chips you have just laid out. Make sure you get a nice even coating. Once the chips are covered with cheese, plop some Tabasco sauce in an even format around the layer. How much specifically? I leave that up to you.

Next, put another layer of chips on top of that, making sure to cover the cheese so that it cannot mostly be seen. Repeat depositing cheese, and then again with the Tabasco sauce.

This can be repeated many times, depending on how much stuff you have. My average serving is two layers, but I've gone up to seven before.

Once the concoction is concocted, place it in a microwave for 35-45 seconds. You know it is done when the cheese becomes limp and starts to barely begin to bubble.

After that, enjoy your tasty nachos!


  1. Chili-mac. (will feed the whole wing, or two very hungry male dormmates)

    couple cans chili
    couple boxes mac'n'cheese

    make the mac.
    add the chili.

    Simple and TASTY.

  2. Ultimate Eggs:

    A couple slices of summer sausage (other sorts may also do if you cant get that- perhaps kielbasa?)
    A slice each of havarti, pepper jack, and swiss cheese (you could also double the amount of cheese you put in)
    Various Delicious vegetables- I suggest peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.
    3/4 eggs (depending on how big they are and how much 'other ingredient' you have- you want enough to make this an egg dish, not a dish with eggs in it)

    Take all of the non-egg ingredients and chop (mince?) them into tiny cubes about a quarter of an inch in each direction, making sure they all come out the same size.

    Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork or whisk until the white & yolks are evenly distributed.

    Heat a clean frying pan and when you can feel the heat rising up apply butter and/or pam/cooking spray. Put in first the vegetables letting them cook a little, then the eggs, then the cheese and sausage. Keep moving around with a spatula so that the eggs eventually resemble scrambled eggs.

    Apply salt and pepper as needed. Eat and then not be hungry for the next six hours.
